Monday, October 18, 2021

MASS READINGS & SAINT QUOTE OF THE DAY - Tuesday - October 19, 2021


Tuesday - October 19, 2021


"In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart. And that you may obtain the assistance of her prayer, neglect not to walk in her footsteps. With her for guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as she is in your mind, you are safe from deception; while she holds your hand, you cannot fall; under her protection you have nothing to fear; if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary; if she shows you favor, you shall reach the goal."


- Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

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October 19, 2021

Memorial of Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs
Lectionary: 474


Reading 1                                                                 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21


Brothers and sisters:

Through one man sin entered the world,

and through sin, death,

and thus death came to all men, inasmuch as all sinned.


If by that one person’s transgression the many died,

how much more did the grace of God

and the gracious gift of the one man Jesus Christ

overflow for the many.

For if, by the transgression of the one,

death came to reign through that one,

how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace

and the gift of justification

come to reign in life through the one Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, just as through one transgression

condemnation came upon all,

so, through one righteous act

acquittal and life came to all.

For just as through the disobedience of one man

the many were made sinners,

so, through the obedience of the one

the many will be made righteous.

Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more,

so that, as sin reigned in death,

grace also might reign through justification

for eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Responsorial Psalm                                              40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17


R.    (8a and 9a) Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.


Sacrifice or oblation you wished not,

    but ears open to obedience you gave me.

Burnt offerings or sinofferings you sought not;

    then said I, “Behold I come.”

R.    Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.

“In the written scroll it is prescribed for me,

To do your will, O my God, is my delight,

    and your law is within my heart!”

R.    Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.

I announced your justice in the vast assembly;

    I did not restrain my lips, as you, O LORD, know.

R.    Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.

May all who seek you

    exult and be glad in you,

And may those who love your salvation

    say ever, “The LORD be glorified.”

R.    Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.


Alleluia                                                                      Lk 21:36

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Be vigilant at all times and pray

that you may have the strength to stand before the Son of Man.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.


Gospel                                                                       Lk 12:35-38


Jesus said to his disciples:

“Gird your loins and light your lamps

and be like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding,

ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks.

Blessed are those servants

whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival.

Amen, I say to you, he will gird himself,

have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them.

And should he come in the second or third watch

and find them prepared in this way,

blessed are those servants.”



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Are you 'burning ready'?

"Let your lamps be burning ready," Jesus says in today's Gospel reading. To "gird your loins" means to be ready for action. Is the light of Christ within you "burning ready"? Not just lit, but ready to join the Master on an adventure conquering the territory of darkness?


What's the fire in you? What do you feel passionate about that's useful to the Lord? A fire cannot burn long without the fuel of desire.


If you're uncertain about what the Lord wants to do through you that will help fill this world with his light and make it more heavenly, look for the fire within you. God placed it there.


Look for the fire that burns because of the hardships you've endured. Look at any burning desire: What do you secretly (or openly) wish you could do for the kingdom of God? In your parish? In your home? In your workplace? When you imagine yourself doing it, does your heart pound with an energetic yearning? If so, you've found your calling. Don't overlook this fire. God put it there for his purposes and plans. The path he's laid before you might not be clear, but put a foot forward and start moving! Jesus will reveal the next step and then the next and then the next.


If you're like me, you want to run ahead of him because of all the passion that's pumping through your soul, but we must let Jesus lead the way. He knows far better than we do about the perfect timing, the right strategies, and the true path to success.


If you feel inadequate and overwhelmed by the task ahead, take a closer look at our first reading for today: "Where sin abounds, grace abounds the more." God's grace, combined with your passion, will make a difference in this world, despite how small and insignificant your light seems to be!


God's power so greatly surpasses all evil, and his love and concern for us is so strong, that when we smother our flames with our sins, he provides grace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and in the Penitential Rite at Mass. If, for example, you need help in loving someone who's been causing you problems, ask God to give you his supernatural love for that person, and by his grace you will receive it. You really will!


God's abundant grace is always readily available to increase our faith, to strengthen our resolve, and to make us successful when we say no to evil and yes to replacing it with God's goodness. However, to make use of this grace, we have to be "burning ready," eager.


To succeed in conquering the territories of darkness, we have to feel so passionately about it that Christ's light glows brightly within us.


It's not we who change the world. It's the presence of God within us, burning like a furnace in which no evil can survive. All we have to do is (1) be burning ready, and (2) follow Jesus every step of the way.


Are you ready for an adventure?


Today's Prayer


My Lord, I thank You and praise You, because You teach me that everything in this world is temporary, and You encourage me to be alert and detached from the world to reach the great goal. Amen.


God Bless You.....

The Rosary Family
The mother of Jesus promised St. Dominic that, “one day through the rosary & the scapular I shall save the world!”

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